Our next season of Table will begin the week of August 19th 2024. This season will run fortnightly until the last week of November, with a break during the October school holidays. This season we will be discussing what it is to be a disciple of Christ and how to disciple others.
At Rhythm City we believe the 4 goals of a Disciple are:
1. Enjoying relationship with God (Follow)
2. Embodying the image of God (Form)
3. Embracing the family of God (Fellowship)
4. Engaging in the mission of God (Fish)
Discipleship is key to our individual and collective journeys with Christ.
At Rhythm City we see Table as a key part of this journey where:
identity is formed through stories
community is formed through meals
ideas are formed through conversation
faith is formed through ministry
We encourage everyone to lean in and get involved by signing up and joining a Table.
We’ve noticed some issues with the form.
If you can’t see the details of each table group in the form above please refresh the page or contact Daniel or Rachel Offereins.